What Advice Are You Grateful To Share With Others About Food Allergy?
When you are tempted to "cheat" or just risk eating something with unknown ingredients, think of your worst reaction. Then you will not want it any more.
Also, this is a time of year of parties. Do not eat anything from someone that either doesn't understand your allergies, or thinks you are making it up. Stick to eating stuff from people who understand your allergies are severe and want to make sure you don't eat their stuff if you are allergic.
I worked at a library where everyone was always bringing in wonderful food to share. One person really thought I was making it up. She was notorious for making chocolate peanut butter cookies and not disclosing the peanut butter. So, after several times of taking a bite and spitting it out and dosing with lots of benadryl, I finally decided to never eat her cookies. Everyone else was very good about writing the ingredients on a post it attached to the container. I really appreciated those women!
I like Salmon, and Red Snapper, and as a child I could eat fish, just not Shellfish, that's fine with me, I grew up on tuna fish, but in my early 50's I had a reaction, finally got allergy test, Tuna, and Salmon was high on the list, it broke my heart, but it is what it is, and now I can't even smell it, without having a reaction, nuts are also high on the list, can't have chocolate covered pretzels, because they're made on the same table, my other allergies, are some fruits, and cucumbers, I get hives with those, so I just don't eat them, but for some reason, there's always someone, that doesn't understand,
Listen to your body... If you think you're having a reaction, fight for yourself. I don't always present with"typical" presentations but if I'm having problems breathing I make it known. When you learn to listen your body you'll be able to advocate for yourself when in an emergency and ALWAYS CARRY AT LEAST ONE EPIPEN ON YOU AT ALL TIMES, it is essential.
No matter how good the food tastes, it's not worth the effect it has on your body, and how long it takes to get it out of your system.
How To Handle School Lunches
I Have Celiac Disease. I’m Not Sure It Is Classified As An “allergy” Or Not.
Has Anyone Ever Traveled To Mexico? My Son Has So Many Allergies That We Never Eat Out.